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Champion Training: BANA 2:1 Eccentric SL Goblet Squats
Leg Day POWER & Stability! BANA 2:1 Smith Machine Squats and Toe Spacers Sprinter RDL Chris and John
ECCENTRIC OVERLOAD!!! BANA 2:1 (Up with 2 down with 1) Smith Machine Bent Over Row
Build MONSTER Lats & Upper Muscles with Half Kneeling BANA 2:1 Eccentric Overload Lat Pulldown
Eccentric Accentuated Dumbbell Chest Press 2:1 BANA Protocol - Elite Workout Series
2 Secret Exercise for HUGE Arms!! BANA 2:1 Cable Split Stance Triceps and Biceps Eccentric Overload
605 3 Sec Ecc/3 Sec Pause Back Squat
Single Leg Squat Off Chair
Skater Squats
TRX 1-Arm Row
1/2 Kneeling SA KB Overhead Press